Florida League of Cities

Transportation (Monitor) – Passed 

CS/CS/CS/HB 1301 (Abbott) and CS/CS/CS/SB 1226 (DiCeglie) address matters related to transportation. Of concern to cities, the bills provide that a public transit provider may not expend state funds directly, indirectly, or through a grant or agreement for any of the following marketing or advertising activities:

•A marketing or public awareness campaign, whether through a digital or print medium, including the use of any wrap, tinting or paint on a bus, commercial motor vehicle or motor vehicle, as in support of any social, political or ideological interest. 

•Use of an asset owned or funded by a public transit provider, including an existing or future asset, which displays, contains or markets, whether through a digital or print medium, any social, political or ideological interest. 

Traffic Lane Repurposing 

•Require public notice and input prior to a governmental entity repurposing one or more existing traffic lanes.

•Also must notify all affected property owners, impacted municipalities, and the counties in which the project is located at least 180 days before the design phase of the project is completed with written explanation.

•Requires that any lane elimination or lane repurposing, recommendation, or application relating to public transit projects must be approved by a two-thirds vote of the transit authority board in a public meeting with a 30-day public notice and that any action of eminent domain for acquisition of public transit facilities carried out by a public transit provider must be discussed by the public transit provider at a public meeting with a 30-day public notice.

CS/CS/CS/HB 1301 passed the House (79-32) and the Senate (39-1) and the awaiting action by the Governor. (Branch)