Florida League of Cities

  • Growth Management (Oppose – Unfunded Mandate)

    by Erika Branchcomb | Dec 16, 2019

    SB 410 (Perry) and HB 203 (McClain) would require local governments to adopt by July 1, 2023, a new mandatory element in their comprehensive plans that addresses the protection of private property rights. (Cruz)

  • Local Government Public Construction Works (Oppose – Mandate)

    by Erika Branchcomb | Dec 16, 2019

    SB 504 (Perry) and HB 279 (Smith, D.) require the local government and other specified entities, in deciding whether it is in the public’s best interest for the local government to perform a public building construction project using its own services, to consider the estimated costs of the project using generally accepted cost-accounting principles. This requirement includes all costs associated with performing and completing the work, including employee compensation and benefits and other determining factors.

    The bills also require a local government that performs a public building construction project using its own services to disclose the actual costs of the project after completion to the auditor general. (Branch)

  • Local Government Lobbyist Registration Fees (Oppose – Preemption and Mandate)

    by Erika Branchcomb | Dec 16, 2019

    SB 768 (Perry) is linked to SB 766 (Perry). SB 768 establishes a statewide local government lobbyist registration fee. It provides the fee may not exceed $40 for each principal represented for one county and governmental entities therein or exceed $5 for each principal represented for each additional county and governmental entities therein. The bill prohibits a local government from charging a fee for the registration of lobbyists or principals, or for the enforcement of lobbyist regulation except as may be reasonable and necessary to cover the cost of such enforcement. Enforcement fees may be charged only if enforcement action is initiated and are limited to the direct and actual cost of the enforcement action. (O’Hara)

  • Supermajority Vote Required to Impose, Authorize or Raise Local Taxes or Fees (Oppose – Mandate)

    by Erika Branchcomb | Dec 16, 2019

    HJR 477 (Rommel) proposes an amendment to the Florida Constitution requiring that any local tax or fee that is imposed, authorized or raised by a local jurisdiction, including municipalities, be approved by two-thirds of the membership of the jurisdiction. “Fee” is defined as any charge or payment required by ordinance or regulation. The proposed amendment requires any local tax or fee imposed or raised under this section to be contained in a separate resolution or ordinance. This proposed amendment would require 60 percent approval of the electorate for passage. (Hughes)

  • <i>Introducing...the School</i> <br> <i>for State Leaders!</i><br>

    by Erika Branchcomb | Aug 27, 2019
    Helping local leaders
    win state-level seats.
    Learn More
  • <i>2019 Florida City</i> <br> <i>Government Week</i><br>

    by Erika Branchcomb | Aug 20, 2019
    Florida City Government Week
    is October 21-27, 2019!
    Learn More
  • <i>2019 Legislative</i> <br> <i>Conference</i><br>

    by Erika Branchcomb | Aug 20, 2019
    Join us in Orlando
    on November 13-15!
    Register Today
  • Cras in eros justo. Mauris vel tincidunt nisi.

    by admin admin | Jan 21, 2016
    Donec non purus dictum elit vulputate iaculis eget at lectus. Donec quis pulvinar purus, id varius sem. Nunc elementum sapien sit amet quam convallis pulvinar. Nulla eu tempor ligula. Ut lacinia vehicula lectus a faucibus. Nam condimentum pellentesque pretium. Mauris pharetra, dolor id pharetra vehicula, leo ante vehicula turpis, ac efficitur sem urna ut dolor. Integer suscipit mi a est accumsan fermentum. Etiam odio eros, dignissim id eros vel, vehicula viverra neque. Curabitur congue nisi semper, iaculis leo ac, aliquam nunc. Sed elementum eleifend massa non venenatis. Morbi volutpat varius hendrerit. Nulla sit amet hendrerit nunc. Cras in eleifend odio. Quisque venenatis, tellus quis ultricies accumsan, elit enim dapibus sapien, vel suscipit odio purus sed augue. Praesent finibus erat sed mattis sagittis.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

    by admin admin | Jan 21, 2016

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla arcu nulla, blandit id erat eget, ullamcorper hendrerit est. Aliquam libero purus, sodales vehicula tincidunt non, tristique vel tellus. Nunc sagittis felis vel mauris lobortis dapibus. Fusce pulvinar interdum urna vel congue. Phasellus vulputate orci vel laoreet varius. Praesent porta, mauris quis rhoncus accumsan, eros metus dapibus massa, eu venenatis metus magna ut est. Aliquam et erat rutrum, imperdiet libero eget, mattis ipsum. Nam ut mollis sapien. Morbi nibh orci, mollis sed quam in, faucibus viverra dui. Integer eget interdum risus. Etiam ut tempus elit, id ultrices lacus. Duis fringilla facilisis lectus. Sed nec quam in nisl tempor ultricies at sed justo. Maecenas sit amet porta magna. Proin sodales, magna ut eleifend efficitur, neque ligula suscipit est, eget sagittis ipsum tortor in orci. Duis blandit justo a mollis laoreet.

    Mauris ipsum mi, convallis vel leo ultrices, dapibus aliquam diam. Curabitur a ipsum dui. Proin in ex nisl. Nam pharetra aliquam turpis elementum consectetur. Aenean posuere elit tincidunt ultrices sollicitudin. Vestibulum placerat risus quam, vitae commodo quam consequat non. Mauris eget vehicula quam, ut fermentum lacus. Vivamus tempus sit amet odio eu maximus. Proin volutpat augue orci, a finibus metus tempor id.

  • Test Blog Post

    by Chris Crumbaker | Jan 20, 2016