Florida League of Cities

  • Department of Environmental Protection (Monitor)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 02, 2024

    CS/SB 1386 (Calatayud) and CS/HB 1557 (Chaney) amend current law provisions relating to aquatic preserves, resilience, onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems (septic systems) and wastewater treatment facilities. The bills authorize the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to enter and inspect any property (except a private residence) that has a septic system to ascertain compliance with applicable regulations. In addition, the bills require all wastewater treatment facilities to prepare a reuse feasibility study and to implement reuse to the extent feasible. The bills also require wastewater treatment facilities that provide reclaimed water within a basin management action plan area to meet advanced waste treatment standards. The bills direct water management districts and DEP to develop rules to promote reclaimed water and encourage potable water offsets that produce significant water savings. The bills authorize extended permits for permittees that propose a water supply or water resource development project that uses reclaimed water. The bills expand criteria for grant eligibility under the Resilient Florida Grants Program and expand the types of projects that can be submitted by local or regional entities for inclusion in the Statewide Flooding and Sea Level Rise Resilience Plan. In addition, the bills require vulnerability assessments to use data from the Florida Flood Hub that is certified by the Chief Resilience Officer. (O’Hara)

  • Contaminants of Emerging Concern (Monitor)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 02, 2024

    CS/SB 1692 (Brodeur) and HB 1665 (Gossett-Seidman) establish the PFAS and 1,4-dioxane pretreatment initiative within the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for the purpose of coordinating wastewater facility industrial pretreatment programs. The bills require wastewater facilities with an industrial pretreatment program to: (1) By July 2025 complete and provide to DEP an inventory of industrial users to identify probable sources of PFAS or dioxane;

    (2) Before March 2025, provide notice to DEP of any industrial user that has been initially identified by the inventory as a probable source of PFAS or dioxane discharges. The notice must inform industrial users that they may become subject to pretreatment standards and requirements; (3) Submit to DEP a final inventory of industrial users that are subject to pretreatment standards and requirements and notify the users that they may be subject to enforcement action by July 2026; (4) Issue a permit, order or other measure to enforce applicable pretreatment standards; and (5) By July 2027, sample each industrial user’s facilities and other at-risk sites. If the sample is above discharge limits, the wastewater facility must implement corrective action to reduce levels of PFAS or dioxane at the user’s facilities or other at-risk sites. Beginning July 2026, the bills establish specified discharge limits for PFAS and dioxane for industrial users until new discharge limits are adopted by DEP. The bills provide that before July 2027, an entity may not be subject to civil or criminal penalties for violations of the bills’ requirements. After July 2027, the bills direct DEP to consider the financial situation and costs of corrective actions for each wastewater facility that may be out of compliance with its permit or order when considering enforcement action for violations of pretreatment standards or violations of water quality standards. (O’Hara)

  • Construction Materials Mining Activities (Monitor)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 02, 2024

    SB 198 (Avila) and HB 245 (Fabricio) specifies a ground vibration limit for construction materials mining activities within 1 mile of residentially zoned areas, which may not exceed .15 inches per second. It authorizes the State Fire Marshal to modify the standards, limits and regulations for the use of explosives in connection with construction materials mining activities within 1 mile of residentially zoned areas, which may include the temporary cessation of blasting. (O’Hara)

  • Comprehensive Waste Reduction and Recycling Plan (Support)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 02, 2024

    SB 36 (Stewart) and HB 455 (Casello) require the Department of Environmental Protection to develop a comprehensive waste reduction and recycling plan by July 2025, based on recommendations from the Department's 2020 75% Recycling Goal Final Report. The bill also requires the Department to convene a technical assistance group to help develop the plan. The plan must include the following: recycling goals based on sustainable materials management and waste diversion; a 30-year plan to implement strategies relating to recycling education and outreach; local government recycling assistance; and recycling materials market development. The bill requires the Department to submit a report and recommendations to the Legislature following completion of the plan. (O'Hara)

  • Coastal Construction and Assessments (Monitor)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 02, 2024

    HB 1079 (McFarland) provides that only coastal counties and municipalities that have received authorization from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) prior to December 1, 2023, may establish coastal construction zoning and building codes and exceptions thereto in lieu of state coastal construction regulations. The bill prohibits DEP from delegating authority for certain coastal permits to coastal counties and municipalities that did not receive such authorization prior to December 1, 2023. In addition, the bill authorizes DEP to award grants to coastal counties for saltwater intrusion vulnerability assessments and specifies requirements for such assessments. (O’Hara)

  • Climate Resilience and Drinking Water Standards (Support)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 02, 2024

    SB 1630 (Torres) and HB 1531 (Joseph) require the Department of Environmental Protection to establish the Blue Communities Program to incentivize local action to reduce nutrient pollution and ocean acidification in the ocean, coastal waters and fresh waters. The program would provide technical and financial assistance to local governments that qualify as blue communities under the bills. The bills specify qualification criteria for local governments to become blue communities. The bills establish the Ocean State Climate Adaptation and Resilience Grant Fund within the department and authorize the establishment of an advisory board to determine eligibility of projects for financial assistance for adaptation and resilience projects. They also establish the Carbon Sequestration Advisory Council within the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to assist the Department in documenting and quantifying carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions reductions associated with agricultural practices and land uses occurring on agricultural lands. The purpose of the documentation is to assist and encourage agricultural landowners to participate in carbon trading. The bills also establish the Ocean Stewardship Special Account from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund within the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for the collection and use of moneys for the conservation, restoration and enhancement of marine resources. The bills provide for the deposit of user fees and other funding sources into the Account, which shall be used for marine conservation, restoration, enhancement, research, enforcement actions and educational activities. The bills require ocean stewardship user fees to be paid by commercial vessels and all operators of watercraft or water sports equipment. In addition, HB 1531 requires the Department of Environmental Protection or county health departments to monitor PFAS compounds in community water systems and nontransient noncommunity water systems using the national primary drinking water regulations. If the presence of PFAS compounds is detected at or above a specified level but below the Environmental Protection Agency’s specified health advisory level, the bill requires the Department or county health department to annually monitor the PFAS compound levels in the water systems. The bill requires the Department to adopt rules by September 2024 to implement these requirements, including the establishment of enforceable maximum contaminant levels for PFAS compounds. (O’Hara)

  • Carbon Sequestration (Monitor)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 02, 2024

    SB 1258 (Rodriguez) and HB 1187 (Cross) create the Carbon Sequestration Task Force adjunct to the Department of Environmental Protection to provide recommendations for the development of a statewide carbon sequestration program. The bills provide for duties and membership of the Task Force. The bills require the Task Force to submit reports by October 2025 and October 2026 to the Secretary of the Department and to the Governor and Legislature that summarizes the Task Force’s activities, findings and recommendations. (O’Hara)

  • Beverage Container Deposits (Monitor)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 02, 2024

    HB 905 (Woodson) requires dealers and consumers in the state to pay a deposit fee for specified beverage containers. The bill establishes refund values for various beverage containers, as well as deposit fees to be paid by dealers and consumers. It prohibits the establishment of a redemption center unless it is registered with the Department of Environmental Protection. It establishes requirements for redemption centers and authorizes the use of reverse vending machines under certain circumstances. The bill prohibits a dealer from refusing to redeem a container if the dealer sells that type of container unless the container is contaminated or damaged or there is a redemption center located within 1 mile of the dealer’s place of business. It imposes requirements upon deposit beverage dealers and distributors and requires distributors to pay a handling fee to dealers and redemption centers. The bill authorizes municipal and county governments, nonprofit agencies, dealers and individuals to register to operate a redemption center. It prohibits local governments from imposing or collecting any assessment or fee on beverage containers subject to state container deposit requirements. (O’Hara)

  • Assessment of Renewable Energy Source Devices (Monitor)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 02, 2024

    HB 769 (Bankson) revises the definition of “renewable energy source device” in Section 193.624 relating to the assessed value of real property attributable to a renewable energy source device, to include equipment that collects, transmits, stores or uses biogas. The equipment includes materials and machinery used in the production, storage, compression, transportation, processing and conversion of biogas from landfill waste, livestock farm waste, food waste or treated wastewater into renewable natural gas suitable for pipeline injection. (O’Hara)

  • Advanced Wastewater Treatment (Monitor)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 02, 2024

    HB 1153 (Cross) and SB 1304 (Berman) require the Department of Environmental Protection, in consultation with water management districts and wastewater facilities, to submit to the Governor and Legislature reports containing specified information on all sewage disposal facilities with a permitted capacity greater than 1 million gallons per day in the state.  Information required for the report includes but is not limited to: the dates of construction, maintenance or updates; total and actual permitted volume of water treated daily and the current level of treatment and identification of various contaminants present; pollutant loading; disposal methods; impairment status of any receiving waterbodies; implementation status of any basin management action plans; and wastewater spills since 2010. The bills also require the Department to provide a report outlining a priority ranking process to upgrade all facilities in the state to advanced waste treatment by 2035. The bills require the Department to submit, by June 2026, a progress report on the implementation status of such upgrades. (O’Hara)

  • Other Bills of Interest

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 02, 2024

    HB 805 (Borrero) and SB 1042 (Garcia) – Traffic Infraction Detectors

    SB 994 (Burgess) and HB 1045 (Michael) – Student Transportation Safety

  • Utility Terrain Vehicles (Monitor) 

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 02, 2024

    SB 440 (Wright) authorizes a utility terrain vehicle (UTV) to legally operate on two-lane county roads and two-lane municipal streets in which the posted speed limit is less than 55 miles per hour. The bill allows a local government to enact an ordinance regulating UTV operation and equipment that is more restrictive than statutory requirements. A local government can prohibit the operation of a UTV on any road under its jurisdiction if the governing body determines that such prohibition is necessary in the interest of safety. (Branch)

  • Transportation (Monitor) 

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 02, 2024

    CS/SB 266 (Hooper), SB 1032 (Gruters), HB 7049 (McFarland) and CS/HB 287 (Esposito) are the legislative priority bills for the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). These bills outline various requirements for FDOT and local agencies related to transportation projects. FDOT is mandated to oversee funded projects on behalf of the Federal Highway Administration, update project cost estimates and include contingency amounts. Local agencies must prioritize and budget projects through their respective metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), be certified by FDOT and incorporate specific contractual requirements and contingency amounts for unforeseen conditions. SB 1032 and HB 7049 specifically prohibit the creation of new MPOs, with exceptions for urbanized areas defined by the U.S. Census Bureau.

    In CS/HB 287 and CS/SB 266, the permit or relocation agreement for utility installation, location or relocation must:

    •Include a reasonable utility relocation schedule to expedite the completion of FDOT’s construction or maintenance project.

    •Define a reasonable liquidated damage amount for each day the work exceeds the specified time frame.

    •Require the utility to be responsible for any damage resulting from the work performed under such permit or relocation agreement. (Branch)

  • Traffic and Pedestrian Safety (Monitor)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 02, 2024

    SB 980 (Perry) requires that all plans submitted on or before July 1, 2024, for the construction of crosswalks located at any place other than an intersection of a public street, highway or road be controlled by pedestrian and traffic signals and meet requirements of the Florida Department of Transportation Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. (Branch)

  • Traffic Enforcement (Oppose)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 02, 2024

    SB 1464 (Calatayud) and HB 1363 (Busatta Cabrera) are bills related to the use of traffic cameras. Of interest to cities, the bills do the following:

    •Prohibit the use of camera systems made by Chinese manufacturers or using materials from China for traffic enforcement in Florida. 

    •Require local governments to approve any new camera contracts or renewals in a public meeting.

    •Requires local governments to enact ordinances allowing traffic cameras. 

    •Require local governments to show evidence the cameras are needed for safety before installation. 

    •Mandate local governments submit reports on traffic camera use every year to the state. 

    •Noncompliance with rules results in suspension of traffic camera use. (Branch)

  • Strategic Transportation Infrastructure Investment (Support)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 02, 2024

    HB 1275 (Berfield) and SB 1506 (DiCeglie) require the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to develop a Strategic Infrastructure Investment Plan to address freight mobility infrastructure. The bills require FDOT to consult with relevant stakeholders including county and municipal governments. Beginning July 1, 2025, the department is required to distribute $150 million to the State Transportation Trust Fund to fund the projects identified in the Strategic Infrastructure Investment Plan. (Branch)

  • Electric and Hybrid Vehicle License Fees (Support) 

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 02, 2024

    CS/SB 28 (Hooper) increases the annual fees required for electric and hybrid vehicles. Beginning January 1, 2029, the annual fee for electric vehicles (EVs) would increase from $200 to $250, and the annual fee for hybrid vehicles would increase from $50 to $100. The bill specifies that 64% of the proceeds be deposited into the State Transportation Trust Fund (STTF), and 36% must be allocated to the county where the vehicle is registered. Local governments can use these funds for transportation expenditures. The EV fee is not included in CS/CS/HB 107 (Esposito). CS/CS/HB 107 requires the Revenue Estimating Conference to estimate the impact on the General Revenue Fund from the sales tax levied from charging EVs and directs the Department of Revenue to distribute funds into the STTF. (Branch)

  • Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (Monitor)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 02, 2024

    SB 1084 (Collins) and HB 1071 (Alvarez) are the legislative priority bills for the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Of concern to cities, the bills preempt a local government from enacting an ordinance regulating electric vehicle charging stations. (Branch)

  • Other Bills of Interest

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 02, 2024

    HB 619 (Tuck) and SB 1534 (Bradley) – Civil Liability

    HB 651 (Persons-Mulicka) – Civil Liability for the Wrongful Death of an Unborn Child

    SB 476 (Grall) – Civil Liability

    SB 170 (Polsky) – Legal Representation Contracts (Cruz)

  • Sovereign Immunity (Oppose) 

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 02, 2024

    CS/SB 472 (Brodeur) and CS/CS/HB 569 (McFarland) increase the statutory limits on liability for tort claims against the state and its agencies and subdivisions (which include cities). The current statutory limits for claims are $200,000 per person and $300,000 per incident. Both bills would increase the caps to $400,000 per person and $600,000 per incident. CS/HB 569 initially required caps to be adjusted annually on July 1 to reflect changes in the regional Consumer Price Index, but this was removed from CS/CS/HB 569 in committee, while CS/SB 472 was amended to require this adjustment to occur on July 1, 2029, and to occur every five years thereafter. The bills prohibit an insurance policy from conditioning the payout of a claim on the passage of a claims bill. Both bills allow a subdivision of the state to settle a claim above the statutory limits without the need for a claims bill. The bills narrow the statute of limitation on negligence claims against government entities from four years to two years. CS/SB 472 was amended to mirror the provision in CS/CS/HB 569 that lowers the required pre-suit notice from three years to 18 months. Both bills also abolish the common law doctrine of “home venue privilege” in relation to negligence suits against the state. The Senate bill allows the limitations of liability in effect on the date a final judgment is entered to apply to the claim. Therefore, allowing claims that occurred prior to implementation of these new limits to avail themselves to the increase in caps. On the other hand, the House bill was amended to apply the increased caps to apply to accidents that occur after the effective date of the bill, October 1, 2024. (Cruz)