Florida League of Cities

  • Other Bills of Interest

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 04, 2022

    HB 75 (Sabatini), SB 592 (Perry) and SB 594 (Perry) – Limiting COVID-19 Restrictions

    HB 179 (Altman) and SB 702 (Burgess) – Photographic Enforcement of School Bus Safety

    HB 6009 (Sabatini), HB 6069 (Shoaf) and SB 734 (Gruters) – Vaccinations During Public Health Emergencies

    HB 297 (Aloupis) and SB 476 (Book) – Aggressive Careless Driving

    SB 1230 (Pizzo) – COVID-19 Mandates

    SB 1234 (Pizzo) – Vaccinations During Public Health Emergency

    SB 1232 (Pizzo) – Florida Occupational Safety and Health State Plan

    HB 19 (Gottlieb) and SB 402 (Polsky) – Firearm Restrictions Pursuant to Court Findings or Risk Protection Orders

    HB 73 (Rayner) and SB 888 (Jones) – Use or Threatened Use of Force

    HB 83 (Eskamani) and SB 372 (Berman) – Domestic Violence

    HB 103 (Sabatini) – Carrying of Firearms Without a License

    HB 109 (McCurdy) – Prohibiting Deception in Interrogations of Minors

    HB 133 (Sabatini) – Prohibiting Cooperation with a United States Capitol Police Officer Located in this State

    HB 181 (Daley) and SB 334 (Polsky) – Sales of Ammunition

    HB 199 (Smith, C.) and SB 214 (Farmer) – Assault Weapons and Large-capacity Magazines

    SB 204 (Farmer) – Sale and Delivery of Firearms

    SB 210 (Farmer) – Prohibited Recordkeeping Relating to Firearms  or Firearm Owners

    HB 347 (Rayner), SB 1166 (Polsky), and SB 220 (Farmer) and – Sale, Transfer, or Storage of Firearms

    HB 363 (Hart) and SB 630 (Jones) – Pregnant Women in Custody

    SB 458 (Torres) and HB 665 (Goff-Marcil) – Secure Storage of Firearms

    SB 502 (Rodriguez) – Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity

    SB 660 (Cruz) – Sexual Offense Victims' Rights

    SB 668 (Cruz) – Custodial Interrogations of Minors 

    SB 672 (Cruz) – School Safety Funding

    SB 860 (Stewart) and SB 862 (Stewart) – Firearms Without a Unique Serial Number or Identifying Mark

    SB 872 (Polsky) and HB 527 (Hunschofsky) – Unfinished Firearms

    SB 874 (Pizzo) – Arrests

    HB 883 (Slosberg-King) and SB 1208 (Polsky) – Reclassification of Crimes Evidencing Prejudice

    HB 889 (Overdorf) and SB 1406 (Perry) – Delayed Arraignment

    SB 916 (Brandes) – Searches of Cellular Phones and Other Electronic Devices 

    HB 817 (Massullo) and SB 1114 (Bradley) – Emergency Medical Care Treatment to Minors Without Parental Consent 

    HB 1021 (Fernandez-Barquin) and SB 1392 (Garcia) – Patient Identification and Health Care Decisions

    HB 1083 (Benjamin) and SB 1856 (Pizz) – Citizen Arrests

    SB 1196, SB 1198 (Jones) and HB 1093 (Hunschofsky)– Community Violence Task Force

    SB 1236 (Jones) and HB 1561 (Bush) – County and Municipal Detention Facilities

    SB 1262 (Burgess) and HB 1277 (Massullo) – Mental Health and Substance Abuse

    HB 1255 (Valdes) and SB 1760 (Powell) – Duties of the Inspector General of the Department of Corrections

    SB 1528 (Gruters) and HB 6095 (Gregory) – Restrictions on Firearms and Ammunition During Emergencies

    SB 1632 (Farmer) – Searches by Law Enforcement Officers

    SB 1882 (Powell) – Use of Police Canines

    SB 1932 (Hooper) – Sexual Offenders and Predators

    HB 6007 (Sabatini) – License to Carry Concealed Weapons or Firearms

    HB 6013 (Sabatini) – Removing Firearm Regulations

    HB 6115 (Joseph) – Use of Deadly Force in Defense of a Person

  • Two-way Radio Communication Enhancement Systems (Watch)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 04, 2022

    CS/HB 785 (Botana) and SB 1190 (Boyd) authorize the use of two-way radio communication enhancement systems to comply with certain radio signal strength requirements in the Florida Building Code. The bills exempt apartment buildings that are 75 feet or less in height with the exterior components constructed of wood frame from requiring two-way radio communication systems. (Branch)

  • Traffic Infraction Detectors (Oppose) 

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 04, 2022

    HB 6029 (Sabatini) preempts cities, counties and the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles from installing, maintaining or utilizing red light cameras effective July 1, 2025. (Branch)

  • Telecommunicator Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (Watch)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 04, 2022

    SB 890 (Burgess) and HB 593 (Trabulsy) require an employee of a public safety agency who answers emergency medical service calls to provide direct telephonic assistance in administering cardiopulmonary resuscitation or transfer calls to a dedicated telephone line, call center or other public safety agency with which the transferring public safety agency has a reciprocal agreement. The bills also require all 911 public safety telecommunicators who take telephone calls and provide dispatch functions for emergency medical conditions to complete telecommunicator cardiopulmonary resuscitation training and continuing education as deemed appropriate by the Department of Health. (Taggart)

  • Statewide Police Misconduct Registry (Watch)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 04, 2022

    SB 1482 (Bracy) requires the Department of Law Enforcement to establish and maintain a statewide police misconduct registry by June 30, 2023. The bill also specifies the type of incidents and complaints that would be required to be reported by the local agency. The bill would require this reporting to begin January 2, 2024, and information submitted every three months thereafter by the head of each local agency. (Taggart)

  • School Safety (Watch)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 04, 2022

    SB 802 (Gruters) and CS/CS/HB 1421 (Hawkins) require the Department of Education to work with local emergency management and law enforcement personnel to create a model reunification plan for use by child care facilities, K-12 schools and public postsecondary educational institutions for schools that are unexpectedly evacuated due to a disaster. Each school district will be required to adopt a district-specific plan by working with local law enforcement. The model plan will be required to be reviewed annually. The bills also require law enforcement officers responsible for responding to specific schools in the event of an active assailant emergency to be physically present on campus during the execution of active assailant emergency drills. The bills also direct the Department of Education to consult with local constituencies to establish minimum drill policies relating to the timing, frequency, participation, training, notification, accommodations and responses to threat situations by incident type, as well as to school level and characteristics. The bills specify that these drills be conducted at least annually. (Taggart)

  • Repeal Preemption of Firearms and Ammunition (Support)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 04, 2022

    SB 496 (Taddeo) and HB 6049 (Daley) repeal the current statutory preemption prohibiting cities and counties from regulating firearms and ammunition. (Taggart)

  • Photographic Enforcement of School Zone Speed Limits (Watch)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 04, 2022

    HB 189 (Duran), SB 410 (Rodriguez) and HB 797 (Overdorf) authorize a county or municipality to contract with a vendor to install cameras in school speed zones to enforce speed limits. Within the first 30 days after such a camera or cameras are installed in a school speed zone, a motor vehicle operator found to have violated the speed limit will be issued a warning and will not be liable for the civil penalty. (Branch)

  • Offenses Against Firefighters (Support)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 04, 2022

    SB 370 (Hooper) and HB 351 (Duggan) add service as a firefighter as grounds for increased criminal penalties for certain criminal offenses. (Taggart)

  • Law Enforcement Officer Body Cameras and Vehicle Dash Cameras (Oppose)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 04, 2022

    SB 1494 (Bracy) requires each law enforcement agency in this state to mandate that its

    law enforcement officers wear body cameras and use vehicle dash cameras. (Taggart)

  • Impeding, Provoking or Harassing Law Enforcement Officers (Watch)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 04, 2022

    HB 11 (Rizo) and SB 1872 (Bean) prohibit a person from approaching a law enforcement officer after receiving a warning with intent to impede, provoke or harass. (Taggart)

  • Human Trafficking Public Awareness Signs (Watch) 

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 04, 2022

    SB 652 (Cruz) requires the employer of each athletic venue, entertainment venue and convention center capable of accommodating 5,000 persons or more to display a human trafficking public awareness sign. (Taggart)

  • Florida Hometown Hero Housing Program (Watch)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 04, 2022

    SB 788 (Hooper) creates the Florida Hometown Hero Housing Program to assist frontline emergency workers, certain medical and health care personnel and educators in purchasing a home as their primary residence. (Branch)

  • First Responder Roadway Safety (Watch)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 04, 2022

    HB 127 (Slosberg) prohibits the use of handheld wireless devices while operating a motor vehicle where first responders are actively working. This bill does provide several exceptions, such as first responders performing in their official capacity or drivers accessing safety-related information, including emergency, traffic or weather alerts. (Branch)

  • Drug-Related Overdose Prevention (Watch)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 04, 2022

    CS/SB 544 (Boyd) and CS/HB 731 (Caruso) require EMS providers to electronically report suspected or actual controlled substance overdoses using the Emergency Medical Service Tracking and Reporting System or other program as identified by department rule. Current law allows for optional reporting. (Taggart)

  • Code and Traffic Enforcement (Support)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 04, 2022

    HB 1435 (Leek) and CS/SB 1954 (Wright) authorize the Sheriff or Chief Administrative Officer of a municipality to designate a special event zone in response to a special event that takes place or is reasonably anticipated to take place on a roadway, street or highway within their jurisdiction. HB 1435 defines "special event" as an unpermitted temporary activity or event organized or promoted via social media that is attended by 50 or more people and substantially increases or disrupts the normal flow of traffic on those roadways. CS/SB 1954 was amended to increase the number of people in attendance from 50 to 200 and specifies a special event zone will not remain in effect if attendance falls below 100 people. The bills require the Sheriff or Chief Administrative Officer to enforce the special event zone in a manner that causes the least inconvenience to the public. Special event zones must also: be designated with a warning sign at each point of ingress or egress, remain in effect as long as reasonably necessary to protect the public but not after the special event has dissipated. The bills authorize law enforcement to enforce occupancy limits on private or public property in a special event zone. Finally, the Sheriff or Chief Administrative Officer may recover all fees and costs associated with designating and enforcing the special event zone from the event promoter or organizer. (Taggart)

  • Care for Retired Law Enforcement Dogs (Support)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 04, 2022

    SB 226 (Powell) and CS/HB 25 (Killebrew) create the Care for Retired Law Enforcement Dog Program within the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). The bills require that the FDLE contract with a nonprofit corporation to administer and manage the program. (Taggart)

  • Boating Safety (Watch)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 04, 2022

    CS/HB 493 (Botana) and CS/SB 606 (Garcia) create additional safety provisions and requirements for boat liveries or privately owned boat rental companies. Of importance to local governments, the bills require livery owners to notify local law enforcement if a vessel is unnecessarily overdue more than one hour after the contracted time. Additionally, the bills appropriate funding for the creation of an Illegal Boating Strike Team for the purposes of increasing intergovernmental coordination while addressing illegal boating activity. CS/HB 493 was amended to remove these provisions. (Taggart)

  • Authorization of Restrictions Concerning Dangerous Dogs (Watch)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 04, 2022

    SB 614 (Garcia) and CS/HB 721 (Buchanan) authorize certain housing authorities to adopt ordinances, rules or policies relating to dangerous dogs. The bills remove an exemption for local ordinances adopted before a specified date that pertain to dogs that have bitten or attacked persons or domestic animals. (Branch)

  • Active Shooter Alert System (Watch)

    by Mary Edenfield | Feb 04, 2022

    SB 1672 (Berman) and HB 1271 (Morales) provide for the development and implementation of an active shooter alert system by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). The bills allow for FDLE to partner with local governments to assist in the development and implementation of the alert system. Once created and upon request by a local law enforcement agency, FDLE may activate the alert system to assist the local agency when responding to an active shooter event. (Taggart)