Florida League of Cities

Energy (Monitor) – Failed

SB 1548 (Gruters) prohibits the Department of Transportation from assigning or transferring its permitting rights across transportation rights-of-way operated by the Department to a third party or governmental entity that does not operate the transportation right-of-way. The bill amends Section 337.403, Florida Statutes, to prohibit permitting authorities from requiring a utility within a public road operated by the authority to be relocated on behalf of certain other third party or governmental agency project related to a separate public or private road or corridor. The bill requires the Public Service Commission to approve targeted storm reserve amounts for public utilities and provides for reserve requirements and base rate adjustments. It requires the Department of Commerce to expand categorical eligibility for the low-income home energy assistance program to include individuals who are enrolled in certain federal disability programs. It directs the Public Service Commission to conduct a feasibility study on the use of small modular nuclear reactors in the state and to submit a report to the Legislature. (O’Hara)