Florida League of Cities

Electric and Hybrid Vehicle License Fees (Support) – Failed 

CS/SB 28 (Hooper) increases the annual fees required for electric and hybrid vehicles. Beginning January 1, 2029, the annual fee for electric vehicles (EVs) would increase from $200 to $250, and the annual fee for hybrid vehicles would increase from $50 to $100. The bill specifies that 64% of the proceeds be deposited into the State Transportation Trust Fund (STTF), and 36% must be allocated to the county where the vehicle is registered. Local governments can use these funds for transportation expenditures. The EV fee is not included in CS/CS/HB 107 (Esposito). CS/CS/HB 107 requires the Revenue Estimating Conference to estimate the impact on the General Revenue Fund from the sales tax levied from charging EVs and directs the Department of Revenue to distribute funds into the STTF. (Branch)