Florida League of Cities

Transportation (Monitor)

CS/CS/HB 1301 (Abbott) and CS/CS/CS/SB 1226 (DiCeglie) address matters related to transportation. Of concern to cities, the bills provide that a public transit provider may not expend state funds directly, indirectly, or through a grant or agreement for any of the following marketing or advertising activities:

•A marketing or public awareness campaign, whether through a digital or print medium, including the use of any wrap, tinting or paint on a bus, commercial motor vehicle or motor vehicle, as in support of any social, political or ideological interest. 

•Use of an asset owned or funded by a public transit provider, including an existing or future asset, which displays, contains or markets, whether through a digital or print medium, any social, political or ideological interest. 

•Require public notice and input prior to a governmental entity repurposing one or more existing traffic lanes. (Branch)