Florida League of Cities

Aviation (Oppose)

CS/HB 981 (Bankson) makes significant changes to the regulation of private airports, specifically addressing vertiports and powered-lift aircraft. The bill does the following:

Vertiport Approval:

•Requires private airport owners or lessees intending to operate vertiports for powered-lift aircraft to obtain a powered-lift aircraft endorsement from the Department of Transportation (DOT).

Department of Transportation Department

•Mandates the DOT to designate a subject matter expert for advanced air mobility, focusing on powered-lift aircraft and electrification of aviation.

•Requires the DOT to provide annual reports to the Governor and Legislature on advanced air mobility industry status, technological advances, federal regulations and recommendations for land use compatibility around vertiports.

•Mandates the DOT to serve as a resource for local governments and stakeholders in powered-lift aircraft and vertiport development.

Advanced Air Mobility Test Site:

•Designates the Greater Orlando Aviation Authority as the advanced air mobility test site for the state. (Branch)