Florida League of Cities

Public Works Projects (Oppose)

SB 742 (Grall) and HB 705 (Shoaf) revise and expand the definition of "public works project" to include an activity that is paid using any local or state-appropriated funds. Under current law, this is defined as any state funds. Of concern to cities, the bills prohibit municipalities that contract for a public works project from requiring a contractor to do the following:

•Pay employees a predetermined amount of wages or prescribe any wage rate

•Provide employees a specified type, amount or rate of employee benefits

•Control, limit or expand staffing

•Recruit, train or hire employees from a designated, restricted or single source.

The bills also prohibit a local government from denying the ability of a licensed contractor within the state from receiving information about a public works opportunity or from submitting a bid on a project. (Branch)