Florida League of Cities

Flood Damage Prevention (Monitor)

HB 749 (Basabe) provides that the maximum voluntary freeboard requirements for new construction and substantial improvements to existing construction is 10 feet. The bill prohibits voluntary freeboard from being used to calculate the maximum allowable height of a structure. It defines “freeboard” as the additional height above the base flood elevation for determining the level at which a structure’s lowest floor or the bottom of the lowest horizontal structure member must be elevated in accordance with floodplain management regulations and the Florida Building Code. “Voluntary freeboard” is defined as the additional height above the freeboard required by floodplain management regulations and the Florida Building Code. It authorizes local governments to adopt by ordinance minimum freeboard requirements or maximum voluntary freeboard that exceeds minimum requirements. In addition, it requires the Florida Building Commission to adopt by rule minimum freeboard requirements and to incorporate such requirements into the next edition of the Florida Building Code and to review such requirements every five years. (O’Hara)