Florida League of Cities

Other Bills of Interest 

HB 15 (Rudman) – Contracts for Live Entertainment

SB 40 (Stewart) – Review of Employment Contracts

HB 175 (Benjamin) – Judgement Liens

HB 109 (Andrade) – Conversion Charter Schools

HB 35 (Rudman) and SB 106 (Jones) – Acceptance of Cash Payments by Businesses

HB 141 (Abbott) and SB 196 (Simon) – Regional Rural Development Grants Program

HB 173 (Daniels) – Not-for-profit Corporations that Operate Residential Homeowners' Associations

HB 177 (Andrade) and SB 204 (Brodeur) – Competition for the Sale of Event Tickets

HB 189 (Salzman) – Gambling