Florida League of Cities

Water and Wastewater Facility Operators (Support) – Passed 

CS/CS/CS/SB 162 (Collins) requires the Department of Environmental Protection to issue reciprocal licenses to public water utility workers licensed in other states who meet specified requirements, including holding an active and valid license in the other jurisdiction, passing a licensure examination in the other jurisdiction that is comparable to Florida's licensure examination, and not being subject to any disciplinary action. The Department is directed to give education and operational experience credits to license applicants who have performed comparable duties in the armed forces but do not meet other requirements for a reciprocal license. Further, the bill provides that, during a declared state of emergency, the Department may issue a temporary license to applicants who otherwise meet the requirements for license reciprocity, and it must waive the application fee for a temporary operator license. Finally, the bill directs the Department to adopt rules for licensure by reciprocity. 

Effective date: July 1, 2023. (O'Hara)