Florida League of Cities

Substance Abuse Prevention (Monitor) – Passed 

CS/CS/HB 783 (Caruso) creates the Statewide Council on Opioid Abatement (Council) within the Department of Children and Families (DCF) for the purpose of enhancing the development and coordination of state and local efforts to abate the opioid epidemic and to support the victims of the opioid crisis and their families. The bill amends the definitions of “authorized health care practitioner” and “caregiver” in section 381.887, Florida Statutes, to clarify that caregivers need not have recurring contact with persons at risk of an opioid overdose to meet the definition and to include health care practitioners who dispense drugs in the definition of “authorized health care practitioner.” The bill allows pharmacists to prescribe as well as dispense emergency opioid antagonists within the constraints of that section of statute. Additionally, the bill adds emergency opioid antagonists that are delivered through a prefilled injection device delivery system to the types of opioid antagonists that may be prescribed, dispensed, and administered under the section. The bill further requires each Florida College System institution and state university to store a supply of emergency opioid antagonists in each residence hall or dormitory residence owned or operated by the institution. The emergency opioid antagonists must be easily accessible to campus law enforcement officers who are trained in their administration. The bill provides civil or criminal immunity for campus law enforcement officers trained to administer the opioid antagonist as well as for the employing institution when the officer administers or attempts to administer the antagonist in accordance with the bill.

Effective date: July 1, 2023. (Taggart)