Florida League of Cities

Land and Water Management (Oppose) – Failed 

HB 1197 (Maggard) and SB 1240 (Burgess) prohibit counties and municipalities from adopting laws, regulations, rules or policies relating to water quality, water quantity, pollution control, pollutant discharge prevention or removal or wetlands, and preempt such regulation to the state. The prohibition does not apply to an interagency or interlocal agreement between the Department of Environmental Protection and any agency or local government and does not apply to any local government conducting programs relating to or materially affecting the water resources of the state. In addition, the prohibition does not apply to the authority of a county or municipality to regulate and operate its own water system, wastewater system or stormwater system. The bills require the Department of Environmental Protection to notify the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of any violations of the preemption and authorize the CFO to withhold state-shared revenues from such county or municipality. (O’Hara)