Florida League of Cities

Florida Shared-Use Nonmotorized Trail Network (Support) – Passed 

CS/SB 106 (Brodeur) expands the state's Shared-Use Nonmotorized (SUN) Trail Network and enhances the coordination of the state's trail system with the Florida Wildlife Corridor. Among other things, the bill prioritizes the development of "regionally significant trails," which are trails that cross multiple counties, serve economic and ecotourism development, showcase wildlife areas, ecology and natural resources, and serve as main corridors for trail connectedness across the state. The bill authorizes the Florida Department of Transportation and local governments to enter sponsorship agreements with private or nonprofit entities for trails and to use associated revenues for maintenance, signage and related amenities. In addition, the bill recognizes "trail town" communities (communities located along or in proximity to one or more nonmotorized recreational trails) and directs the State Division of Tourism Marketing to coordinate with the Office of Greenways and Trails and the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity to promote the use of trails as economic assets, including the promotion of trail-based tourism. 

Effective date: July 1, 2023. (O'Hara)