Florida League of Cities

Fire Sprinkler System Projects (Monitor) – Passed 

CS/CS/HB 327 (Bell) provides that a Contractor I or II may design the alteration of an existing fire sprinkler system if the alteration consists of the relocation or deletion of 249 or fewer sprinklers and the addition of 49 sprinklers, as long as the cumulative total number of fire sprinklers being added, relocated or deleted does not exceed 249. The bill also creates an expedited permitting process for certain “fire sprinkler system projects.” A contractor must submit a completed application and payment to the local enforcement agency but is not required to submit plans or specifications as a condition of obtaining a permit for such projects. The agency must issue the permit in person or electronically. The agency must require at least one inspection of the project. A “fire sprinkler system project” means a fire protection system alteration of a total of 20 or fewer fire sprinklers, or the installation or replacement of an equivalent fire sprinkler system component in an existing commercial, residential, apartment, cooperative or condominium building. 

Effective date: July 1, 2023. (Branch)