Florida League of Cities

Financial Disclosures for Elected Local Officers (Oppose) – Passed 

CS/CS/SB 774 (Brodeur) requires elected mayors and elected members of the governing body of a municipality, as well as candidates for such offices and members of the Florida Commission on Ethics, to file an annual full disclosure of financial interests (Form 6), beginning January 1, 2024. These individuals are currently required to file simple financial disclosures (Form 1). The bill also addresses requirements for e-filing of financial disclosures. It maintains the requirement that Form 6 filers submit their disclosures to the Commission on Ethics' electronic filing system beginning January 1, 2023, and requires Form 1 filers to submit their disclosures electronically beginning January 1, 2024. In addition, it allows filers to submit federal tax returns for purposes of showing income. The bill also increases the maximum civil penalty for violations of the Code of Ethics to $20,000 from $10,000. In addition, the bill adds commissioners of a community redevelopment agency to the list of officers exempt from having to complete ethics training in the year they begin their term if the term begins after March 31. The bill also clarifies that a candidate may submit a verification or receipt of a previous financial disclosure filing to the qualifying officer in lieu of the full financial disclosure. 

Effective date: Upon becoming law except as otherwise specified. (O'Hara)