Florida League of Cities

Commercial Service Airport Transparency and Accountability (Monitor) – Passed 

CS/CS/HB 1123 (Casello/Gossett-Seidman) revises legislation enacted in 2020 relating to commercial service airport transparency and accountability. As passed, the bill:

•Defines the term “consent agenda;” 

•Revises the website location on which a commercial service airport must provide a link to its airport master plan; 

•Amends the requirement for posting a contract to the airport’s website to provide that any contract or contract amendment in excess of $325,000 (increased from $65,000) must be posted on the airport’s website and expressly limits the requirement to contracts for the purchase of commodities or contractual services; 

•Requires that commercial service airports use competitive solicitation processes for purchases of commodities and contractual services that exceed the threshold amount of $325,000 (increased from $65,000); and

•Specifies that governing bodies of certain categories of commercial service airports must approve, award or ratify any contract for commodities or contractual services, depending on the airport size and contract amount, as a separate line item on the governing body’s agenda with a reasonable opportunity for public comment, and prohibits approval, award or ratification of such contracts as part of a consent agenda.

Effective date: July 1, 2023. (Taggart)