Florida League of Cities

Implementation of the Recommendations of the Blue-Green Algae Task Force (Monitor)

HB 423 (Cross) and CS/SB 1538 (Stewart) would require septic tank owners to have the system inspected every five years and direct the Department of Environmental Protection to implement the inspection program. The bills require basin management action plans to include estimated pollutant load reductions that meet or exceed the amount of load reductions needed to meet the total maximum daily load requirements under the plan. The bills require the allocation of pollutant load reductions in a basin management action plan to consider projected increases in pollutant loading due to growth in population or agricultural activity and require the plan to provide strategies for mitigating or eliminating pollutant load increases for the life of the plan. They also require the Department of Environmental Protection to conduct assessments of projects included in a plan to determine whether the project is working as intended. CS/SB 1538 was amended to delete everything from the bill except for a requirement that each project listed in a basin management action plan with a total cost of $1 million be assessed and monitored by the Department to determine whether the project is working as intended. (O'Hara)