Florida League of Cities

Fire Sprinkler System Projects (Monitor)

CS/CS/HB 327 (Bell) and CS/SB 408 (Perry) define a fire sprinkler system project as an alteration of a total of 20 or fewer fire sprinklers or the installation or replacement of an equivalent fire sprinkler system component in an existing building. The bills create an expedited permitting process for certain “fire sprinkler system projects,” which prohibits local enforcement agencies from requiring a fire protection system contractor to submit plans to obtain a building permit for a fire sprinkler system project. A local government may require a contractor as a condition of obtaining a permit for a fire sprinkler system project, but may not require a contractor to submit plans or specifications as a condition of obtaining the permit. All documents for a fire sprinkler system project must be available to the inspector at each inspection. CS/CS/HB 327 passed the House (110-0) and the Senate (40-0) and is now awaiting action by the Governor. (Branch)