Florida League of Cities

Bereavement Benefits for Law Enforcement Officers (Monitor)

CS/CS/SB 364 (Avila) and CS/CS/HB 535 (Botana) allow a law enforcement agency to grant administrative leave, up to eight hours, to a law enforcement officer in order to attend a funeral of an officer killed in the line of duty. The bills specify that expenses incurred with bereavement travel are to be reimbursed by the agency. The bills also increase the amount to be paid toward the funeral and burial expenses of an officer from $1,000 to $10,000. Both bills were amended to limit travel to within the state of Florida. CS/CS/SB 364 was amended to apply these provisions to state employees only. CS/CS/HB 535 passed the House (110-0) and the Senate (39-0) and is awaiting action by the Governor. (Taggart)