Florida League of Cities

Recycling of Covered Electronic Devices (Monitor)

HB 691 (Basabe) and CS/SB 1030 (Trumbull) establish the statewide Covered Electronic Device Recovery Program within the Department of Environmental Protection. A covered electronic device means a computer, portable computer, computer monitor or television. The term does not include devices that are part of a car, an appliance or other equipment, and it does not include phones. The bills specify requirements for a statewide plan for the recycling of covered electronic devices and require counties to submit a plan for the disposal of covered electronic devices by January 2025. In addition, the bills require the owners or operators of industrial, institutional or commercial facilities to dispose of the facilities' covered electronic devices in a permitted reclamation facility beginning January 2026. The bills prohibit any person from disposing of covered electronic devices except at a permitted reclamation facility beginning January 2028. CS/SB 1030 was amended to expand the list of covered electronic devices. (O'Hara)