Florida League of Cities


SB 7050 (Ethics and Elections) makes numerous changes to the state’s election laws relating to voter registration, voter signature verification, candidate oaths and disclosures, vote-by-mail requirements, canvassing boards, issuance of “voter guides,” third-party voter registration organizations, voter address records, post-election reports, precinct boundary data, early voting, campaign finance reporting and penalties for violations of elections laws. Of interest to municipal governments, the bill amends Section 100.342, Florida Statutes, relating to notices of special elections. Current law requires 30 days notice of a special election or referendum to be published in a local newspaper, and SB 7050 would authorize this notice to instead be published on the county’s website, the municipality’s website or the supervisor of election’s website. In addition, the bill preempts local governments from enacting a campaign finance reporting schedule that differs from that required by state law. (O’Hara)