Florida League of Cities

Public Financing of Potentially At-Risk Structures and Infrastructure (Monitor)

CS/HB 111 (Hunschofsky) and SB 1170 (Calatayud) revise current law provisions that require certain public-financed projects and infrastructure to undergo a Sea Level Impact Projection Study prior to construction. The bills expand the types of projects and infrastructure subject to the requirement by including "potentially at-risk" projects within an area that is "at-risk due to sea-level rise." The bills define "at-risk due to sea-level rise" and "potentially at-risk structure or infrastructure." The bills also add a requirement that a public-financed constructor provide a list of flood mitigation strategies evaluated as part of the design of the potentially at-risk structure or infrastructure and identify the flood mitigation strategies that have been implemented or are being considered as part of the structure or infrastructure design. In addition, the bills revise entities and projects eligible for funding under the Resilient Florida Grant Program to include feasibility studies and permitting costs for innovative measures that focus on nature-based solutions and water management districts in support of local government adaptation planning efforts if the grant is used for the express purpose of supporting the Florida Flood Hub and the Department of Environmental Protection in data collection and creation, modeling and the implementation of statewide standards. (O'Hara)