Florida League of Cities

Housing (Support)

CS/SB 102 (Calatayud) and CS/CS/HB 627 (Busatta Cabrera) are comprehensive housing bills that sunset after 10 years. Of interest to municipalities:  

Funding and Tax Credits

•The bills propose over $700 million for affordable housing programs including $252 million for SHIP, $259 million for SAIL and $100 million for the Florida Hometown Heroes Housing Program.

•The bills create a new Live Local Corporate Tax Donation program for taxpayers to donate funds directly to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC) for the SAIL program in return for tax credits against corporate and insurance liability tax.

Affordable Housing Tax Exemptions

•The bills authorize local governments to adopt an ordinance providing a property tax exemption for units dedicated to tenants with incomes at 60% of local AMI.

•The bills also authorize local governments to deny or revoke exemption based on the history of code enforcement violations or failure to pay fines or charges related to code enforcement violations.

Zoning and Land Use

•The bills preempt municipalities’ regulation on zoning, density and height for certain multifamily or mixed-use affordable housing developments in commercial areas but must otherwise be consistent with local comprehensive plans.

•The bills prohibit any local governments from enacting rent control.

•The bills also require municipalities to post an inventory of lands appropriate for affordable housing on its website. (Branch)