Florida League of Cities

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (Oppose)

SB 1010 (Gruters) and HB 1303 (Snyder) create the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Treatment and Housing Task Force within the Department of Children and Families. The bills direct the task force to study issues related to the regulation of treatment providers and the impact of current regulations on the site selection of community residential homes and provide recommended changes. The bills direct the task force to conduct a statewide review of zoning codes to determine the effect of local regulations. The bills exempt all certified recovery residences from state and local zoning laws or ordinances, including all requirements included in Chapter 419, Florida Statutes, which do not apply to all other single-family and multifamily dwellings from July 1, 2023, until July 1, 2026, while the study is conducted. The task force would be required to submit all findings and recommendations to the Department of Children and Families by December 31, 2024. Any future changes to provisions relating to recovery residence credentialing would be adopted by department rule beginning October 1, 2023, rather than legislatively. (Taggart)