Florida League of Cities

Local Regulation of Nonconforming or Unsafe Structures (Oppose)

CS/HB 1317 (Roach) and SB 1346 (Avila) allow private property owners to obtain a building permit to demolish any nonconforming structure, including those which are designated on the National Register of Historic Places or the State Inventory of Historic Places. To be demolished, the structure must be a nonconforming use, located in a coastal high-hazard area, and fail to meet current Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) flood standards for new construction. A local government may only prohibit the demolition of such a structure if the enforcement agency or local building official determines that demolition of the structure is a threat to public safety. Once the structure in question is demolished, the bills will automatically authorize a replacement structure to be built provided that the existing nature and degree of nonconformity is not increased. A local government may not impose or enforce any limitation or condition on the approval of the replacement structure other than compliance with applicable current zoning and building regulations. Local governments may not require the replication of the demolished structure or limit the size or height of the replacement structure.   CS/HB 1317 was amended in committee to address local government concerns by limiting the scope of the bill to not apply to the demolition of a property on the National Register of Historic Places or to single-family homes. (Cruz)