Florida League of Cities

Mitigation Credits (Monitor)

HB 1167 (Duggan) and SB 1702 (DiCeglie) authorize the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the water management districts if mitigation credits are not available in sufficient quantities to be sold or used to offset imminent adverse impacts within a mitigation service area, to release mitigation credits to a mitigation bank before the bank meets the mitigation success criteria specified in its permit if the bank has been successfully constructed and there is a high degree of confidence that the required ecological performance standards will be met. If mitigation credits are not available in a basin, the bills authorize DEP or water management districts to allow the use of mitigation credits available within surrounding basins. The bills specify that mitigation credits are unavailable within a basin if the party requesting credits submits an affidavit signed by the mitigation banks within the basin attesting that credits are not available. The bills authorize certain projects to use mitigation banks on a case-by-case basis regardless of whether they are located within a mitigation service area, if sufficient quantities of mitigation credits are not available to be sold or used to offset imminent and otherwise allowable adverse impacts within a mitigation service area. The bills require DEP to initiate rulemaking by August 2023 to implement the bill. (O’Hara).