Florida League of Cities

Biosolids (Monitor)

SB 880 (Brodeur) and HB 1405 (Tuck) authorize the Department of Environmental Protection to provide grants for projects that convert wastewater residuals to Class A biosolids and Class AA biosolids. The bills also prohibit the Department from authorizing a land application site permit for Class B biosolids within the subwatershed of a waterbody designated as impaired for either nitrogen or phosphorus or within an adjoining upstream subwatershed containing surface waters that flow to a waterbody designated as impaired for either nitrogen or phosphorus unless the applicant demonstrates the biosolids will not add to the nutrient load of the impaired watershed. The bills specify that new or renewed Class B biosolid land application site permits issued after July 2023 must meet the new requirements by July 2024 and that all permits for biosolid land application sites must meet the new requirements by July 2025. (O'Hara)