Florida League of Cities

Other Bills of Interest

SB 100 (Garcia) and HB 561 (Mooney, Jr.) – Mangrove Replanting & Restoration

HB 55 (Garcia) and SB 108 (Rodriguez) – Trees and Other Vegetation within Rights-of-Way

SB 54 (Rodriguez) and HB 135 (Mooney) – Land Acquisition Trust Fund (Keys)

HB 125 (McClain) and SB 194 (Hooper) – Utility System Rate Base Values

HB 207 (Edmonds) and SB 592 (Powell) – Notice of Contaminated Water Systems

HB 325 (Valdes), SB 484 (Bradley) and HB 759 (Baker) – Flood Disclosures for Property Sales

SB 716 (Stewart) – Flood Zone Disclosures for Dwelling Units

HB 527 (Skidmore) – Office of the Blue Economy

HB 407 (Shoaf) and SB 702 (Simon) – Apalachicola Bay Area of Critical State Concern

SB 320 (Harrell) and HB 547 (Sirois) – Land Acquisition Trust Fund (Indian River Lagoon)

HB 325 (Valdes) – Flood Disclosures for Residential and Commercial Property Sales

HB 557 (Bell) and SB 602 (Burton) – Land Acquisition Trust Fund (Heartland Headwaters)

HB 713 (McFarland) and SB 742 (Grall) – Administrative Procedures and Permitting Process Review

HB 739 (Cassel) – Disposal of Food Waste Material

SB 724 (Boyd) – Seagrass Restoration Technology Development Initiatives

HB 821 (Yeager) – Renewable Energy Cost Recovery

SB 930 (Stewart) – Excise Tax on Water Extracted for Commercial or Industrial Use