Florida League of Cities

Other Bills of Interest 

HB 27 (Benjamin) – Judgement Liens

SB 46 (Wright) – Health Insurance Cost Sharing

HJR 129 (Roth) – Requiring Broader Public Support for Constitutional Amendments or Revisions

HJR 131 (Rudman) and HB 209 (Rudman) – Recall of County Commissioners

HB 137 (Nixon) – Department of Labor

HB 237 (Altman) and SB 286 (Powell) – Legal Instruments

HB 331 (Overdorf) – Liens and Bonds

SB 304 (Boyd) – United States-produced Iron and Steel in Public Works Projects

HB 49 (Driskell) and SB 430 (Driskell) – Abandoned and Historical Cemeteries

HB 119 (Benjamin) – Visiting County and Municipal Detention Facilities

HB 217 (Rayner-Goolsby) – Rights of Children

HB 275 (Daley) – Pari-mutual Wagering

HB 269 (Caruso) – Public Nuisances

HB 493 (Antone) – Applicants for Licensure as a medical Marijuana Treatment Center