Florida League of Cities

Immigration Enforcement (Watch) – PASSED 

CS/HB 1355 (Snyder) and CS/SB 1808 (Bean) expands the definition of “sanctuary policy” to include any law, policy, practice, procedure, or custom of any state or local governmental entity that prohibits a law enforcement agency from providing to any state entity information on the immigration status of a person in the custody of the law enforcement agency. The bills require law enforcement agencies operating county detention facilities to enter into an agreement with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and would require such agency to report specified information concerning such agreement quarterly to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The bills prohibit state and local governmental entities from contracting with common carriers or contracted carriers that willfully transport a person into the state knowing the person is an unauthorized alien, except to facilitate the detention, removal, or departure of the person from the state or the United States. CS/SB 1808 passed the Senate (24-15) and the House (77-42) and is awaiting action by the Governor. (Cruz)