Florida League of Cities

Financial Disclosures (Oppose) – FAILED 

CS/HB 301 (Roach) and CS/CS/SB 510 (Brodeur) require all municipal elected officials and all municipal managers to file an annual full disclosure of financial interests (Form 6) with the Florida Commission on Ethics. These individuals are currently required to file only a Limited Disclosure of Financial Interests (Form 1). In addition, CS/CS/SB 510 requires members of the Florida Elections Commission and the Florida Commission on Ethics to file full financial disclosures annually. CS/CS/SB 510 also removes current law provisions which give the Ethics Commission discretion to dismiss complaints concerning financial disclosures involving de minimus or inadvertent errors and authorizes the commission to dismiss proceedings involving executive branch lobbyist disclosures if it determines the public interest would not be served by proceeding further. CS/CS/SB 510 passed the Senate (30-7) but was not taken up by the House. (Hughes)