Florida League of Cities

Code and Traffic Enforcement (Support)

CS/HB 1435 (Leek) and CS/SB 1954 (Wright) authorize the Sheriff or Chief Administrative Officer of a municipality to designate a special event zone in response to a special event that takes place or is reasonably anticipated to take place on a roadway, street or highway within their jurisdiction. HB 1435 defines “special event” as an unpermitted temporary activity or event organized or promoted via social media that is attended by 50 or more people and substantially increases or disrupts the normal flow of traffic on those roadways. CS/SB 1954 was amended to increase the number of people in attendance from 50 to 200 and specifies a special event zone will not remain in effect if attendance falls below 100 people. The bills require the Sheriff or Chief Administrative Officer to enforce the special event zone in a manner that causes the least inconvenience to the public. Special event zones must also: be designated with a warning sign at each point of ingress or egress, remain in effect as long as reasonably necessary to protect the public but not after the special event has dissipated. The bills authorize law enforcement to enforce occupancy limits on private or public property in a special event zone. Finally, the Sheriff or Chief Administrative Officer may recover all fees and costs associated with designating and enforcing the special event zone from the event promoter or organizer. CS/HB 1435 was amended to require clearly visible signage designating the special event zone and stating all fines are doubled and vehicles are subject to impoundment for traffic infractions and violations. The signage must be posted 24 hours before enforcement of the special event zone can commence. CS/HB 1435 passed the House (90-26) and is awaiting action by the Senate. (Taggart)