Florida League of Cities

School Concurrency (Watch) 

CS/CS/CS/SB 706 (Perry) and CS/CS/CS/HB 851 (McClain) require developers to tender, rather than execute, a written, legally binding commitment to provide proportionate-share mitigation. The bills further require the local government to issue a final decision on the developer’s tendered commitment within 60 days from the date of receipt. If the local government fails to issue a final decision within 60 days, the tendered commitment will be deemed approved. Lastly, the bills require a school board to set aside and not spend any proportionate-share mitigation if there is no school capacity improvement identified in the five-year school board educational facilities plan until such time as such an improvement has been identified. CS/CS/CS/HB 851 was amended to require the district school board to notify the local government that capacity is available for the development within 30 days after receipt of the developer’s legally binding commitment. (Cruz)