Florida League of Cities

Taxation (Watch)

PCB WMC 22-01 (Ways and Means Committee) is the House tax package for the 2022 Legislative Session. The bill provides for several tax reductions and other tax-related modifications. Several provisions in the bill are related to property taxes including increasing the value of property exempt from ad valorem taxation for residents who are widows, widowers, blind, or totally and permanently disabled from $500 to $5,000. The bill provides property tax abatement for homestead property rendered uninhabitable for 30 days or more due to a catastrophic event and provides relief from all assessments to owners affected by the sudden and unforeseen collapse of a residential building in 2021. The bill also modifies the assessment methodology for land used in the production of aquaculture products. The bill includes numerous sales tax holidays, two new sales tax exemptions and a reduction in the sales tax on new mobile homes. (Hughes)