Florida League of Cities

Regulation of Smoking by Counties and Municipalities (Support)

CS/HB 105 (Fine) and CS/CS/SB 224 (Gruters) authorize cities and counties to restrict smoking within the boundaries of any public beach or park they own. The bills specify that municipalities can restrict smoking within the boundaries of a beach or park that is owned by the county but located within the city, as long as it does not conflict with any county ordinance. CS/SB 224 was amended to remove the language prohibiting smoking in state parks. The amendment also prevents cities and counties from restricting cigars. CS/CS/SB 224 was amended to clarify that any signage posted by the local government must state that smoking is prohibited except as provided by state law and also include a scannable quick response code linked to state statute 386.209.  CS/HB 105 was expanded to allow local governments to restrict smoking within 25 feet of a public entrance or exit of a business located within their jurisdiction. The bill excludes stand-alone bars, vape or tobacco shops, and any other business that has no more than 10% of gross revenue from the sale of food. (Taggart)