Florida League of Cities

Statewide Flooding and Sea-Level Rise Resilience (Support)

SB 1940 (Brodeur) and HB 7053 (Environment, Agriculture & Flooding Subcommittee) establish the Office of Resiliency within the Executive Office of the Governor and provide for the appointment of a Chief Resilience Officer. The bills require the Department of Transportation to develop a resilience action plan for the State Highway System. The bills make various revisions to current law relating to statewide resiliency funding and planning, including: authorizing the use of Resilient Florida Grant Program funds for preconstruction activities for projects in municipalities and counties meeting certain population thresholds, but not for projects that adapt critical assets to flooding and sea-level rise; extending by one year the dates by which the Comprehensive Statewide Flood Vulnerability and Sea-Level Rise Data Set and the Assessment must be completed; and revising the $100 million cap on funding proposed for each year to a minimum threshold of $100 million. (O’Hara)