Florida League of Cities

Charter School Zoning (CS/CS/SB 758 – Oppose; CS/HB 865 – Neutral)

CS/CS/SB 758 (Diaz) and CS/HB 865 (Rizo) are comprehensive bills that create the Charter School Review Commission within the Florida Department of Education. Of interest to cities, the bills amend local government regulations dealing with zoning of charter schools. CS/CS/SB 758 removes the requirement that any facility used as a charter school obtain a special exemption from existing zoning and land use designations. CS/HB 865 was amended to provide the following: 

•Prohibit a charter school from being subject to any land regulation that would not be required for a public school in the same location.

•Expand the list of properties or facilities that may provide space to charter schools within their facilities under their preexisting zoning without needing to obtain a special exception. (Branch)