Florida League of Cities

Waste Management (Oppose – Unfunded Mandate)

CS/CS/SB 694 (Rodrigues) requires a local government that “displaces” a private waste company to provide a three-year notice period to the company and pay the displaced company an amount equal to the company’s preceding 18 months’ gross receipts at the end of the notice period. The term “displacement” as used in the bill refers to circumstances in which a local government decides to move from a non-contracted or non-franchise system of waste services to either providing the waste service itself or by contracting or franchising with one or more private waste companies. The bill also defines “storm generated yard trash” and clarifies that private waste company providing regular residential solid waste service is not responsible for collecting certain storm-generated yard trash unless specified in a contract or agreement with a local government. In addition, the bill requires the Department of Environmental Protection to update its 2010 report on retail plastic bags and submit the updated report and recommendations to the Legislature by December 2021. (O'Hara)