Florida League of Cities

Soil and Groundwater Contamination (Watch)

CS/SB 1054 (Broxson) and HB 705 (Andrade) address per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). CS/SB 1054 prohibits the Department of Environmental Protection from taking enforcement action against any property owner to require PFAS remediation until the Department adopts rules establishing a “maximum contaminant level” for the specific contaminant. HB 705 provides airports are not liable for costs, damages or penalties relating to contamination, discharge, evaluation, assessment, or remediation of PFAS. Both bills direct the Office of Program Policy Accountability and Analysis (OPPAGA) to conduct a study of assessment and cleanup of soil and groundwater contamination in other states and submit a report on its findings to the governor and legislature. (O’Hara)