Florida League of Cities

Renewable Energy Sources (Watch)

SB 1718 (Berman) and HB 1611 (Hardy) authorize a public educational customer to enter a contract for the installation, maintenance or operation of a renewable energy source device located on property owned or controlled by the educational customer and provides that financing arrangements for such contracts are not considered retail sales of electricity. The bills require electric utilities to provide meter aggregation to public educational customers under specified circumstances. The bills authorize business entities or third parties contracted by business entities to install, maintain and operate a renewable energy source device on or about the structure in which the business entity operates or on a property owned or leased by the business entity and authorize the business entity to sell electricity generated by the device to another business entity located immediately adjacent to the structure. The capacity of such renewable energy source device may not exceed 150% of the business entity’s usage in the prior calendar year. The bills provide that such sales of electricity are not considered retail sales of electricity. Finally, the bills authorize a public customer (including a local government) to install, maintain or operate one or more renewable energy operating systems to offset the public customer’s electricity requirements, but the capacity of such system may not exceed 150% of the public customer’s usage in the prior calendar year. The electricity may be sold to another public customer and such sale is not considered retail sales of electricity. The bills require electric utilities to provide meter aggregation to public customers consistent with a net metering program. (O’Hara)