Florida League of Cities

Ratification of Department of Environmental Protection Rules (Watch)

HB 1309 (Overdorf) ratifies the Department of Environmental Protection’s proposed biosolids rules, which are anticipated to have an estimated regulatory cost exceeding $1 million. The bill exempts the biosolids rules from review and approval by the Environmental Regulatory Commission. In addition, the bill ratifies the Department’s proposed rules relating to the Central Florida Water Initiative (CFWI) modifies Section 373.0465, Florida Statutes, relating to the CFWI, and creates Section 373.0466 to establish the CFWI Grant Program. Finally, the bill expands the eligibility requirements for the state drinking water revolving loan fund to include priority consideration for projects that implement water supply plans and develop water sources as an alternative to continued reliance on the Floridan aquifer. (O'Hara)