Florida League of Cities

Cottage Food Operations (CS/HB 663 Oppose – Preemption CS/SB 1294 Watch)

CS/HB 663 (Salzman) and CS/SB 1294 (Brodeur) deal with the regulation of “cottage food” operations which encompasses any person or entity that produces or packages certain foods at their residence intended to be sold. The bills increase the current sales cap on cottage food operations from $50,000 to $250,000. The bills also preempt the regulation of cottage food operations to the state and prohibit local governments from prohibiting or regulating cottage food operations. CS/HB 663 passed the House (91-24) and is awaiting action by the Senate. CS/SB 1294 was amended to clarify that cottage food operations must comply with all local ordinances regulating traffic, parking, noise, signage, and hours of retail operation. (Taggart)