Florida League of Cities

Documentary Stamp Tax Distributions (Watch)

HB 5401 (Agriculture & Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee) and SB 2512 (Appropriations) are committee bills intended to conform to funding decisions made in the 2021-22 Proposed General Appropriations Act. The bills revise documentary stamp tax distributions to several trust funds. The bills reduce distributions paid into the State Housing Trust Fund and the Local Government Housing Trust Fund. They create a distribution of 6.8% to be paid into the Resilient Florida Trust Fund to be used for planning and project grants established by HB 7019 and SB 1954 (relating to Statewide Flooding & Sea Level Rise Resilience Plan). The bills create a distribution of 6.8% to be paid into the Water Protection and Sustainability Program Trust Fund to be used for wastewater grants. The bills prohibit the funds distributed to the State Housing Trust Fund and the Local Government Housing Trust Fund from being transferred to the General Revenue Fund in the General Appropriations Act. The bills expand the use of the Water Protection and Sustainability Trust Fund to include the wastewater grant program created by CS/CS/SB 712, passed in the 2020 Legislative Session. SB 2512 was substituted for HB 5401. SB 2512 passed the House and Senate and is awaiting action by the governor. (O’Hara)