Florida League of Cities

Florida Building Code (Oppose – Mandate )

CS/HB 401 (Fetterhoff) and SB 1146 (Brodeur) allow for substantially affected people to submit a petition to the Florida Building Commission for a nonbinding advisory opinion if a local government adopts a regulation or policy without following the process established in the Florida Building Code. The bills define who a substantially affected person is and the process for submitting the petition. The bills define the process for how the commission must consider petitions and the length of time before the Commission must issue its non-binding advisory opinion, and where the opinion must be published. The bills allow for the Commission to make changes to the Florida Building Code to correct errors but only with a 75% vote of the Commission. A local government may not require a contract between a builder and an owner for the issuance of a building permit or as a requirement for the submission of a building permit application. (Taggart)