Florida League of Cities

Other Bills of Interest

SB 914 (Stewart) – Access to Clinics

HB 855 (Morales) and SB 1176 (Stewart) – Barber Services

SB 826 (Baxley) and HB 871 (Snyder) – Child Protection Teams

HB 7005 (Burton) and SB 74 (Burgess) – Civil Liability for Covid-19-Related Claims Against Certain Health Care Providers

HB 479 (Alexander) and SB 1628 (Alexander) – Compensation for Victims of Excessive Use of Force by Law Enforcement Officers 

HB 1181 (Beltran), HB 1179 (Beltran) and SB 204 (Beltran) – Constitution Revision Commission

SB 74 (Brandes) and HB 7005 (Burton) – COVID-19-related Claims Against Health Care Providers 

HB 737 (DiCeglie), SB 46 (Hutson) and SB 142 (Brandes) – Craft Distilleries 

HB 515 (Mariano) and SB 1040 (Brodeur) – Duties of the Attorney General 

HB 6089 (Joseph), SB 1706 (Torres, Jr.) and SB 1928 (Taddeo) – Federal Immigration Enforcement

HHS1 (PCB Bill) – Health Care Civil Liability 

SB 344 (Diaz), HB 471 (Rizo), HB 717 (Clemons) and SB 1598 (Gruters) – Legislative Review of Occupational Regulations 

HB 1357 (Altman) and SB 1796 (Wright) – Military Installations

SB 686 (Brandes) and HB 1533 (McFarland) – Offers of Judgement

HB 1083 (Shoaf) and SB 1570 (Rodriguez) – Quasi-public Entities 

SB 76 (Boyd), SB 212 (Brandes) and HB 305 (Rommel) – Residential Property Insurance 

HB 241 (Grall) and SB 582 (Rodrigues) – Parental Rights

HB 254 (Stewart) – Education 

HB 641 (Goff-Marcil) – Charter and Private Schools

SB 904 (Daiz) and HB 6053 (Yarborough) – Doorstep Waste Containers

SB 922 (Burgess) and HB 541 (Buchanan) – Veteran’s Preference in Employment

SB 1028 (Hutson) and HB 51 (McClain) – Charter Schools

HB 1029 (Barnaby) and SB 1320 (Hutson) – Purple Heart Recipient Parking Spaces

SB 1030 (Polsky) and HB 763 (Diamond) – Repeal of the Multi-use Corridors of Regional Economic Significance Program and Reversion of Program Funds

HB 1153 (Casello) – Pub. Rec./Emergency Planning and Management

HB 1325 (Truenow) and SB 1614 (Rodriguez) – Neighborhood Pod Learning Programs

SB 1454 (Farmer) – Strategic Fuel Reserve

HB 1595 (Williamson) and SB 1892 (Diaz) –  Emergency Preparedness and Response Fund

SB 2006 (Burgess) – Emergency Management

SB 134 (Brandes) and SB 148 (Bradley) and SB 142 (Brandes) – Alcohol-To-Go

SB 630 (Baxley) and HB 867 (Shoaf) – Community Associations

SB 872 (Rodrigues) and HB 665 (McClure) – Homeowners' Association Rental Agreements

SB 902 (Rodrigues) and HB 463 (Roach) – Community Association Pools

SB 56 (Rodrigues) and HB 615 (Rodriguez) –  Community Association Assessment Notices 

HB 1297 (Giallombardo) and SB 1900 (Boyd) - Cybersecurity

HB 6075 (Shoaf) and SB 1564 (Gainer) – Required Publication of Local Board Meeting Minutes

HB 1455 (Roach) and SB 1958 (Rodrigues) – Regulation of Medical Marijuana 

HB 1517 (Duggan) and SB 1966 (Diaz) – Department of Business and Professional Regulation

SB 1948 (Bean) and HB 1463 (LaMarca) – Department of Economic Opportunity