Florida League of Cities

Housing (Watch)

CS/CS/SB 998 (Hutson) and CS/CS/CS/CS/HB 1339 (Yarborough) make varied and comprehensive changes to Florida law impacting affordable housing. The bills:

•allow a local government to adopt an ordinance to allow accessory dwelling units in any area zoned for single-family residential use.

•require the reporting of impact fee charges data within the annual financial audit report submitted to the Department of Financial Services.

•require reporting on annual expenditures for affordable housing in reports of economic status information to the Office of Economic and Demographic Research.

•establish biannual regional workshops for locally elected officials serving on affordable housing advisory committees to identify and share best affordable housing practices.

•permit a mobile home park damaged or destroyed by natural forces to be rebuilt on the same site with the same density as was approved, permitted or built before being damaged or destroyed. (Branch)