Florida League of Cities

Employee Organization Dues and Uniform Assessments (Watch)

SB 804 (Brandes) and CS/HB 1 (Grant, J.) revise the requirements for an employee to authorize the deduction and collection of dues and uniform assessments by an employer. The bills require a public employee who desires to join an employee organization must sign a membership authorization form that contains a specific acknowledgement. The bill requires that dues and uniform assessments may not be deducted from an employee’s salary until the employer receives a signed authorization form from the bargaining agent and is able to confirm with the employee that he or she authorized such deductions. The deductions are in force until the certified bargaining agent ratifies a new collective bargaining agreement with the public employer or for three years after the date the deduction begins, whichever is earlier. CS/HB 1 passed the House (63-52) and is awaiting Senate action. (Hughes)