Florida League of Cities

Acquisition of Water & Wastewater Systems (Watch)

CS/HB 207 (McClain) and CS/SB 658 (Albritton) would authorize a public water or wastewater utility to establish the rate base of an existing water or wastewater system it acquires using the fair market value of the utility, require the Florida Public Service Commission to provide specified information relating to utility valuation and require the commission to develop related rules. CS/SB 658 would also require a municipality providing water or sewer service to customers in another municipality from infrastructure located in the recipient municipality to charge customers in the recipient municipality the same rates as it does customers inside its own municipal boundaries. CS/HB 207 would provide an alternative method by which the PSC may establish the rate base value for an acquired utility system and establish a procedure for appraisal of the acquired utility system. The PSC directed the commission to develop rules for implementation. CS/HB 207 would also provide conditions under which certain entities may acquire title to any water or wastewater plant facilities that were previously acquired by eminent domain. (O’Hara)